The end of my travels intentionally corresponds with my Mum's 60th birthday (I'm sure she won't mind me telling her age, she certainly doesn't look it!). Delighted to be home in Sligo, I bring her up breakfast-in-bed at the break of dawn so that she is fuelled for another day of her financial accounting course. Thank goodness she is occupied for the day, it gives me time to ensure that all is in order for her surprise birthday party. This is something I have been planning for a while, in fact, ideas were beginning to crystallise when I was in Argentina six months ago. I am so excited, it is really hard to keep it a secret, especially during the final hours!
Mum gets back from her course. I tell her that I am popping down to see my friend Róisín and wish her a nice evening. Of course, I've got my glad-rags in my handbag along with heels, confetti & party poppers. Mervian picks me up from around the corner, she is bursting with excitement like myself. She has been a fantastic support over the past few months (and always!), doing the run-around while I shout orders from another continent!
Breda is working her magic by inviting Mum out for dinner at 8 o' clock. Upon pick-up she informs Mother that first it is necessary to collect Rod (her partner) out in Strandhill after his game of golf. Hmm, all sounds plausible.
At the venue, I am thrilled to see familiar faces arriving. I have butterflies in my tummy, giddy at the thought that my Mum has no idea! Irina and I dash around filling glasses and sprinkling little drops of stardust on all the tables. Next we get the nod from Rod, 'she's close, less than 5 minutes'. 'AAargh!'We all shriek and giggle! Right Vinnie, you are on the lights. Kevin, are you ready with the music? Has everyone got their poppers ready? On the count of two (there is a shadow under the door).... three..........SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!
And her face? Priceless!!

Oh my GOD!!!
Mum then proceeds to go through a series of emotions. Shock, wonder, excitement, delight and gratitude. She really had no idea that there would be a party. She had no idea that she would see (almost all of) her nearest and dearest in one room. Modest as ever, she couldn't believe the 'fuss' that everyone had gone to! She was in such shock when she walked through those doors that she actually (subconsciously) pinched my auntie Olivia's arm, leaving a bruise! It is as if to say 'are you real? Is this really happening?'!!
The party is fabulously fun! We chat, dance, eat and drink, and then dance some more. It is exactly how parties should be - a joyous event where everyone is having fun and laughter fills the room. We dance until our faces glow red and the music stops.
Mum has been thanking me every day since, but really the party was my way of thanking her - for being the warm, consistent, loving, adventurous and inspirational Mum that she is.
I've been doing lots of yoga over the past few months and one of the poses (asanas) is called 'extended mountain pose'. It is not difficult, and basically involved standing legs hip-width apart, arms stretched high and wide above one's head, eyes wide-open looking up at the sky. One day in Central America a teacher asked us to visualise the following:
Imagine the soles of your feet connected to the soils of the earth, keeping you grounded and connected to Mother Nature. Imagine your feet growing roots, keeping you stable and strong. Standing tall and proud, you are a tree extending upwards, heart open, reaching up to the skies. You are open to all possibilities, you believe all your dreams will come true and that there are no limitations. Inside your heart, there is a centre of light, from here you can beam your light and love out to the world.
I thought of my Mum when I heard this visualisation, and now every time I do this pose I think of my her - strong and rooted in practicality but yet always believing in the endless possibilities of life and always lighting my way with her wisdom.
So, happy birthday Mum! I wish you health, happiness and peace. Thank YOU for everything.
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