Entrance to San Juan farm

Perfect timing to see the sunrise (6.40am January 6th 2008)

Pali gives us the grand tour and introduces us to the more-permanent residents

First glimpse of horses, and I am in my element!

Climbing fences at this hour of the morning is hardwork!

Views around San Juan

Mr.Shark provides hours of amusement
The first day is spent exploring the farm, swimming, sunbathing, getting to know the family and adjusting to the local pace of life!
Then time to admire to magnificent skies of La Pampa - sunset, followed by an exquisite display of stars!

Irina, Elaine & Pali

In the evening, Un asado de pollo - a chicken BBQ, with the family and a friend, Russo (who manages a number of local farms).

Chicken on the BBQ

Delicious! A welcome change from steak!
Day Trip to Catrilo

Catrillo, main street

And on the return home we bump into Marta Elena, Pali's Mum (on the phone as always!)
Horses make me happy

Getting to know one another.......

Angelina, Stephanie & Mary - getting ready for our first outting

The sunflowers are splendid!

I'm going to win.......

Let's try side-saddle....

San Juan, entrance gate
Another wonderful BBQ with mortilla, chorizo, steaks and papa huevos

Elaine, Carolina (Pali's sister) & Irina

Group photo, 10 second timer with close up of the carrots and sweetcorn

Pali's cousins who made a heavenly chocolate/dulce de leche mousse!

Making a wish
We are Gaucho-Girls!

I'm sure we shouldn't be riding here.....

Look at the size of this impressive gaucho..

The Ladies playing cards in the afternoon
More Birthday Celebrations......
Pali gets the BBQ underway, tonight we are in for a treat - lamb

The lamb is cooked for over 4 hours, and the result is an absolute feast, without doubt the most delicious and tender lamb I have ever tasted!

The Bushmills is polished off.....

My brownie/dulce de leche birthday cake :-)

Local gauchos bring there own knives for the meat

The cake is going down a treat!
We have had the most incredible few days here on the farm, feeling so sad to be leaving. The only thing we will not miss are these little things - rosetas (prickly plants that severely injure one's feet when clad with flip-flops)

And so we (Irina, Pali & I) leave for Buenos Aires at sunrise the following day to meet Adam, a six-hour drive (in a rented car). It has been a wonderful few days, and an exceptional birthday for me. The warm and welcoming family and friends, food, weather, horses, dulce de leche, sunsets, beauty and traquility have made this an unforgettable experience. I leave content, glowing and another year older.
Wooowww, looks amazing, I'm soo jealous! Riding through fields of sunflowers, you couldn't make it up :)