Nothing too eventful happens. The city is quiet, most people have escaped to the countryside for the Easter holiday. Medellín is a big city. I stay at
Tiger Paw hostel, beside restaurants, bars, the Metro station and
Blue - a great rock club. I meet an Irish guy there, James from Kilarney, and we discover that we share mutual close-friends in Sligo. We (Helene, Marie, Mauri, Canada & James) sit in the park and drink Aquardiente (Raki-esque) in chupas - like the locals. We visit the
Botero exhibition and sculptures in the park. We go to a dodgy looking Salsa bar downtown where people are searched for weapons, the men look like gangsters and the women look like (are?) prostitutes. They love music here and dance well. It seems the women are big fans of the colour pink (from candyfloss to raspberry) and tight (spray-on) clothing. The taxis are yellow, driving skills are minimal. I feel very safe here. On Easter Sunday I get a haircut and buy a new dress. I want to go and see a religious parade but it rains so I watch movies on a big plasma. I finish a book. We go to the famous club called
Mangos where everyone wears cowboy-dress, there is sawdust on the floor and dwarfs dancing on the stage. In the bathrooms, stuffed horses' heads spray water for hand-washing. A girl tells me I need colour in my cheeks and covers me in
rouge. The Macarena and Tweety-bird songs are played at 2am. We dance and leave, never to return or recommend. In most bars it is custom to buy a bottle of rum or whisky for the table, where everyone shares rather than buy individual drinks. People are friendly and attractive - voluptuous, sexy, charming. It rains every day and some nights. We discover the gem of a food-chain that is
Crepes and Waffles - why has this not been snapped up in Europe? We try to take a cable car but it is broken. There are slum-areas and posh areas. I don't feel like taking photos. I read about Pablo Escobar, the famous criminal from Medellín. On the last night we meet up with Adam. It is really great to see him after a few weeks.

From L-R: James, Adam, me & Canada
Next morning, myself & the Norwegians leave and take a 14-hour bus to Cartagena. My mind is preoccupied with excitement about being beside the sea. I'm sick of rain and inland places. Colombian chocolate tastes nice.
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